How to spot toxic relationships

Toxic relationships come in many forms and some people might not even be aware that they are in one of them. There are many signs that can suggest that you are in an unhealthy relationship. If you feel that you may be in a toxic relationship but don't have the courage or don't know what to do to move on, consult with a San Francisco relationship coach. An expert coach will help you figure out what you want, to understand what a healthy relationship is, to clarify what is non-negotiable for you, regain your courage and make a decision that can change your life.


What are toxic relationships? These are the ones in which you do not feel loved and where there is constant fighting or abuse. In these relationships, you feel that you are loosing yourself. If you have been trying to be understanding and have given everything that you can to your partner but the person continues to make unreasonable demands and pressures you to behave in ways that do not fit with your principles, you need to contact a San Francisco relationship coach for help. This relationship coach can help you regain peace, confidence and happiness in your life. 


An expert San Francisco relationship coach can help you evaluate your current partner and the relationship dynamics so that you can decide whether that partnership is right for you. If the relationship is abusive, it may be best for you to get out of it. Toxic relationships often cannot be fixed. With the help of the right coach, you can learn to evaluate future partners and protect yourself from making the same mistakes in future relationships. There is definitely hope beyond your current relationship and the right coach will help you overcome the fears that keep you passive and unable to move on.


It is not that uncommon to be involved with a controlling or hostile partner. You are not alone. Controlling, hostile or abusive partners can put a lot of pressure on the other partner and make them feel constantly tense and insecure. Such a relationship is not healthy. You should feel safe with your partner and not feel defensive and constantly worried about being judged and reprimanded. In time, toxic relationships can have a profoundly negative effect on your self-esteem and ruin personal and professional relationships that you care about. The longer you stay in a toxic relationship, the worse it will be. A San Francisco relationship coach will help you figure out if your relationship is worth saving and help you make the decision that is best for you.


Relationships are not perfect and it is normal for couples to have arguments once in a while. But you should feel that you can have a voice in your relationship and that your needs are not being overlooked. When you feel constantly unhappy, insecure or afraid, you should ask yourself if your relationship does not fall under the category of toxic relationships. Figuring this out on your own can be difficult and meanwhile, you may be postponing important things in your life or missing opportunities that will never come back. An expert San Francisco relationship coach can save you from being miserable and blaming yourself later on for not taking action and getting out. It is worth it.  Let an expert guide you towards a better relationship and a happier life. 


Do you feel that your relationship falls under the category of toxic relationships ( ) ? In that case, don't hesitate to contact a San Francisco relationship coach (
